Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Theoretical Perspectives Television - 2751 Words

Theoretical Perspectives: Television Theoretical Perspectives: Television Introduction When it comes to family and television shows, there are a lot of different theories that could be used in showing the theoretical point of view of the family. A healthy family would need to sustain and create environment which endorses physical and emotional health and psychological happiness for its members. To achieve this purpose, families will need to recognize how to support, nurture, encourage, protect, connect, generate structure and boundaries, have fun and work together as a group. Does a family have to have a certain look and to the television shows depict this certain look? The response to that could be as diverse as there are families; nevertheless there are shared features that can be originated in various types of families. With said, this essay will discuss four different shows the depict a family. Cosby Show Functional Family There is a convinced amount of role fluidity in functional families such as the television show of The Cosby Show. Vibrant role definitions are recognized as an important characteristic of family functioning and vital for a familys aptitude to familiarize to situations that are changing. Connected to the idea of role description is the concern of power. Whoever chooses what and how it is decided are pointers of the role structure in the family. As mentioned by Minuchin, within healthy families there is a perfect acknowledgment that theShow MoreRelatedSociology1037 Words   |  5 Pagescomplex. Our various characteristics, including but not limited to, behaviors, ideals, perspectives, attitudes, and physical attributes make us who we are as individuals and society as a whole. The macrocosm of society, by default of the people within it, is supremely complex. As we would expect, society is evolutionary and as such, there are numerous theoretical approaches to its study. The three major theoretical approaches are examined here. The functionalist approach, in its simplest form,Read MoreRace And Ethnicity, Racial, Ethnic, And Race1148 Words   |  5 Pagesyou as one belonging to a group, or as an outsider, Racism places a negative impact on society as a whole. One theoretical aspect involves both conflict functionalist, and the labeling approaching, when observing racism. Sociologist observe how each of these theoretical aspects play its very own role in the outcome of racism and prejudices. One theoretical aspect is the conflict perspective, when someone decides to view the social world as being a continual struggle. They assume that social structureRead MoreEssay on Marriage/Chana Miller886 Words   |  4 PagesFamily SOC-210-OL010 Ron L. Shamwell Chaniabrams@yahoo.com (404) 849-0093 WA1 Fully explain and concisely illustrate two (2) of the Theoretical Perspectives on Families discussed in your text (pp. 37–49). Use families presented in television programs, the movies, novels, or the Bible to illustrate the selected perspectives. The functionalist perspective focuses on stability and cooperation and emphasizes the importance of the family in maintaining the stability of society. The functionalistRead MoreThe Diverse Nature Of Psychology1183 Words   |  5 Pagesin the American Psychological association which currently lists 54 different subdisciplines of psychology (APA, 2014). Therefore, a person with an interest in psychology has several options to choose from. Psychologists now have personal theoretical perspectives which can be applied to various aspects of life outside of psychology. 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The trait perspective, according to Carver and Sheier (2012), is a perspective that consist of people who have a base line or consistency in their thoughts, actions, and feelings over time and situationsRead MoreGender Representation Of Sex And The City1590 Words   |  7 PagesDating back to the 1920’s mass communication mediums of film, television and print have all been means that act as powerful tools of propaganda and thus play an integral role in the lives of individuals. It is for this reason that it is often widely accepted that the media is to be used as a tool, which represents a common public interest. Men and women are represented through forms of media in different ways, which create images depicting stereotypical traits and characteristics. The problem broughtRead MoreFunctionalism And Conflict Are Theoretical Perspectives Cre ated By A Sociologist857 Words   |  4 Pages Sociology is the study of society and how people interact with each other. Functionalism and Conflict are theoretical perspectives created by a sociologist. I can relate to these when it comes to my family. At times having a family and striving to improve your living is quite challenging. Due to our modern daily lifestyles, we find ourselves spending less time with our loved ones. Studying these will help understand the different areas of social life. The social institution thatRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Actions, Decisions, Behavior, And External Elements875 Words   |  4 Pagesapplying the three theoretical perspectives to the study of human actions, decisions, behavior, and other external elements, which can be explained not only by analyzing the individual scenario, but also by analyzing the context in which that individual is placed. Although all three theories are interconnected and important in sociology, the theory that is most useful in studying society today is conflict theory. Symbolic interactionism, or the symbolic interaction perspective, can be traced toRead MoreStructuralism : Structuralism And Structuralism1522 Words   |  7 Pagesthe kinship, the myth, the religion and to other areas. However, numerous theoretical of the sociology will have seen influenced by various concepts from of this comment. Michel Foucault, used - .varias ideas key to structuralist thinking, although it didn t like it that called you a structuralist. (Them concepts of this current is have applied to the study of them means of communication newspapers, magazines, television), of them ideologies and of the culture in general. He thought structuralistRead MoreWhy is important to study the media, rather than simply consume it?1631 Words   |  7 PagesThe media is a dynamic entity inherent in society that is both powerful and important. It demonstrates this by playing a vital role in the development of a person s perspective on political, economic and socio-cultural issues. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Piracy, The Intellectual Property Rights Of The Recording...

1 Piracy is defined as illegally acquiring a private property, in this case, music, without paying for it. Piracy, therefore, violates the intellectual property rights of the recording companies, together called Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The intellectual property right being violated at hand is the copyright laws that the RIAA have. The biggest problem that the RIAA has with this violation is that they believe their sales are declining because of piracy. In fact, the sales are declining, but only in the CD area. With the digital downloads becoming available of not just albums but singles as well, most of the consumers are shifting their focus to the digital industry, where there has been a 1000 percent†¦show more content†¦The widespread problem of music piracy implies that the solution to stopping it will be mostly legitimacy rather than enforcement. Music piracy happens all across the globe and the sheer enforcement will be expensive and not worth it in the net profit. Having people make better choices, voluntarily complying because they believe the rules to be right and proper, will reduce piracy more efficiently. Although enforcement may scare people into halting their illegal downloading, such tactics require a lot of money and possibly will cross the legal boundaries. One company stated that they had developed a program called â€Å"freeze†, which will make the computer useless for anywhere between minutes to hours and may cause loss in unsaved data (Sorkin [3]). The same company also reported an even deadlier program called â€Å"silence†, which will scan the computer for pirated music and delete them (Sorkin). These are only two of the deadly programs that were mentioned by the antipiracy company that may be hired in the future by the RIAA. The thing about these tactics are that they are expensive, approximately costing 4.3 billion dollars, and illegal according to Lawrence Lessig, a Standford Law School professor who specializes in Internet copyright issues (Sorkin). Most music of the artists under RIAA is under the protection of the copyright law and according to theShow MoreRelatedThe History of Internet Piracy1122 Words   |  4 PagesThe History of Internet Piracy and its Impacts Internet piracy and copyright infringement have become major issues around the globe. Internet piracy has also evolved significantly since its beginnings. The effects are particularly felt by multiple industries, including the music, movie and software industries. As a result of the overwhelming effects of piracy, many pieces of legislation have either been proposed or passed in the United States. Piracy has significantly impacted the Internet as aRead MoreMedia Piracy3439 Words   |  14 PagesSummary Disney and the Pirates of the Industry I. Introduction As a global company with high interest in both the music and film industries, it is essential that Disney deal with media piracy effectively. With Internet access increasing globally, piracy has the potential to create huge financial losses for Disney. In order to adequately deal with this problem, it is necessary to comprehend the history and evolution of piracy, its impacts on music and film industries, and its effect on the developmentRead MoreEssay on 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act1331 Words   |  6 Pages1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act Right before a movie starts in your theatre, you’re subjected to many advertisements. One that always stood out was the piracy campaign ad which gave a perspective on the downloading of movies from an off set worker. His distinctive message was that, movie stars are paid exorbitant amounts of money but the on and off set workers are not. By downloading the movie or â€Å"screener† in advanced, you’re really hurting the people behind the magic. So what doesRead MoreDeviance and Internet Piracy769 Words   |  4 Pagessocial order. Piracy is defined as an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. The idea of categorizing the transgression of private rights in creative works as piracy predates statutory copyright law. The Sean Parker joined friend Shawn Fanning and started the file-sharing service Napster in 1999. Napsters popularity among music lovers quickly escalated. Within its first year, the service attracted tens of millions of users, but also became a target of the music industry, which saw theRead MoreInternational Association Of The Phonographic Industry818 Words   |  4 Pagesitself as the largest music industry in the whole world, the music industry in the United States has different organizations and associations which represent different roles in the music industry and serve different purposes, constructing a structure of checks and balances. American record labels and distributors got RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), the domestic representative of the IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) in America, to represent them and monitorRead MoreHe Advantages and Disadvantages of Intellectual Property in the Digital Age.1461 Words   |  6 Pagesand disadvantages of intellectual property in the digital age. Intellectual property is an umbrella term that covers copyright, patents, trademarks, designs, and confidentiality and trade secrets. Each of these terms covers a different type of property that is made up of knowledge. Many of these terms cover physical objects, however it is the idea behind them that counts and needs to be protected. The growth of the Internet has put pressure on traditional intellectual property protections such asRead MoreVideo Protection And Digital Rights Management Technologies1344 Words   |  6 Pagesof digital products have actively fought the availability of pirated copies of their products. Nevertheless, digital piracy rates are still high and increasing in many markets, despite a continuous increase in the availability and sophistication of copy protection and digital rights management technologies. It s a problem that many businesses, specifically entertainment industries, have a problem with. Although a relatively new problem to the business world, ca ses against digital pirates and websitesRead MoreThe Music Industry Became Aware Of Napster After John Fanning s High School Nickname1262 Words   |  6 PagesAt its prime, Napster was home to about 80 million users (Gowan). The issue with Napster was that it wasn’t properly licensed to distribute the files and it allowed its users unlimited free access to other individual’s intellectual property without their consent. The music industry became aware of Napster when the heavy-metal band, Metallica discovered that an unreleased version of one of their songs was circling the internet. Metallica sued Napster, providing evidence that over 300 thousand peopleRead MoreThe Pirate Bay1481 Words   |  6 Pagesscrutiny but has avoided closure by modifying business practices and finding legal loopholes regarding copyright protection (Laudon amp; Traver, 2010). The case study Internet Piracy: The Pirate Bay analyzes the company and its place in the history of e-commerce, and reveals startling effects of P2P sites on the music industry. P2P Business Model The Pirate Bay is a P2P e-commerce business model that allows consumers to share videos and other high-band width content with one another directly, withoutRead MoreBusiness Law and Ethics Napster Case2125 Words   |  9 Pages pages Introduction......................................................................................... 1 The internet piracy Napster case and other peer to peer system........... 1-3 What should be done to stop internet piracy or make it useful for companies......... 3-4 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 4

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Defining Team Members’ Roles Free Essays

What are team members’ roles? Why are they necessary to the team? After defining each person’s role on a team, what are their responsibilities? Can a team have dual roles and responsibilities? Does your personality have to match your role on the team? What are the benefits and advantages in working within a team? These are all questions that are not clearly defined in the beginning. This causing the overall scope of the project to be difficult, lack of communication between team members and team members often to have conflict. As members are placed, the first task is to determine the overall mission of the team. We will write a custom essay sample on Defining Team Members’ Roles or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each member should feel comfortable to voice his/her strategies for the overall purpose. Members must have equal say on the scope and consideration of their ideas toward the success of the project. After defining the overall objectives, the team must decide on the implementation of shared responsibilities. Shared responsibilities of the team would include scheduling project meeting times, determining when to meet, how often to meet, where to meet, who will be responsible for scheduling meeting request(s), who will be responsible for preparing and sending out agendas routinely, who will be responsible for taking and publishing minutes, and status updates for in-between the scheduled meetings. The team could also focus on document review deadlines and approvals for the project. There are various roles a team must outline inside of a team for the success in completing a project. According to the required reading this week, there can be several role descriptions for a team, they are as follows: Coach – one who tries to create harmony by creating a positive atmosphere, motivate everyone else on the team and building a great rapport Champion – one who brings ideas and thoughts to the team. This person often bring out the priorities and focus of the team Explorer – one who uncovers better ways of doing things; an improvement. Innovator – one who uses their imagination to dream up new concepts Sculptor – one who brings things about to get to the goal of the team. Curator – one who brings clarity, ask questions to get a full understanding of what the goals and scope of the team project. Conductor – one who organizes things into a systematic structure Scientist – one who analyize and give explanation of the team’s goals or projects. Usually a team member may already perform some of these roles defined above, but may perform more of one role verses another. Members may also have what is known today as a dual role. A dual role means taking on two roles at the same time. Based on the roles defined above, the coach and champion can be the same individuals based upon the coach’s life experience most likely contribute to his role as a team player or champion. For example: Being a champion and having a passion for what you love, after your career in a particular team setting is over, you are wanting to go forward and teach others what you know. This would go into the coaching aspect of the role. In every champion there is a future coach, and in every future coach there is a champion. After determining the roles that exist for each team member, the team must decide which member’s personality matches a particular role. If you take an individual’s personality that is warmhearted, conscientious, and cooperative; want harmony in their environment, work with determination to establish it; Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time; Loyal, follow through even in small matters; Notice what others need in their day-by-day lives and try to provide it; Want to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute. Myers Briggs). This personality type would be a great coach. Once the roles and responsibilities of each team have been defined, there are several advantages and disadvantages for working on a team. Some of the advantages would be cross-training, greater cooperation and new approaches to a particular task maybe discovered. Some of the disadvantages for working on team would be time management issues, members’ may think it is less motivating or may not be conducive with various roles within a team. Since I am a team leader in the Order of Eastern Stars, there are many members under my leadership. These members entrust my judgment, integrity, fairness, and knowledge. My primary duties are to protect the interest of each team member and the overall chapter. The advantages for my position is to assist and aid each member, help the overall community and being a strong driving force for humanity. Some of the disadvantages as being viewed as a leader comes with a heavy burden. Being known as the fixer, taking on all individuals’ pumultuous issues and trying to come up with the best solution regarding the problem at hand. The greatest burden would not be able to separate other people’s issues and problems as my own. References Myers, Isabel Briggs with Peter B. Myers (1980, 1995). Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type. Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Publishing. ISBN 0-89106-074-X. How to cite Defining Team Members’ Roles, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Roald dahl short story analysis free essay sample

Roald Dahl was one of the most prolific and influential writers of the 20th century. He wrote for both children and adults alike. However, his adult stories usually have a lot darker topics.. In the short stories Mrs. Bixpy and the Colonels Coat, Nunc Dimmitis and The Visitor, Roald Dahl plays with the idea that physical attraction is stronger than emotional attraction and he einforces the theme that those who betray, deceive and manipulate eventually do get brought to justice, through dark humor and suspense. Justice is a deserved punishment or reward. In These short stories, there are characters who manipulate and use other people in unjust and immoral ways. In the story The Visitor, a good example of a person like this is Oswald Hendryks Cornelius, or Uncle Oswald for short. He is introduced to us through the narrator who had just inherited his uncles memoirs. We read that Uncle Oswald was a seducer and a womanizer. We will write a custom essay sample on Roald dahl short story analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He had many affairs with women. As he was traveling to Jerusalem fleeing from a love escapade in Cairo, he met a rich Arab named Abdul Aziz. Uncle Oswald had seen that he had a beautiful wife and daughter. He couldnt make up his mind of which one to seduce. Oswald later spent the night at his house. While he is sleeping a woman gets into bed next to him. Uncle Oswald ended up getting just what he had wanted, sex. However, this time his promiscuous actions would catch up to him. He later found out that the woman that he had slept with was neither Abduls wife or his daughter that he had met. He found ut that he had slept with Abduls daughter that had leprosy. Abdul Aziz said, There ? s absolutely nothing in the world for you to worry about. It is not a very contagious disease. You have to have the most intimate contact with the person in order to catch it. (Dahl Vol. 1 298) Uncle Oswald had been beaten at his own game. Instead of Uncle Oswald luring women into having sex with him, the daughter with leprosy had lured Uncle Oswald into having sex with her. Uncle Oswald then had to deal with the aftermath of having sexual relations rather than the woman having to deal with it. In the story Mrs. Bixpy and the Colonels Coat, an example of where justice is served to an unjust character is Mrs. Bixpy. She is having an affair with the Colonel. She would tell her husband that she was seeing her aunt in Ireland but she would actually go see the Colonel. He gives Mrs. Bixpy a very expensive mink coat as he tells her that their relationship has to come to an end. In order to get the coat with out any suspicion from her husband, she pawns it. She then tells her husband that she found a ticket from the pawn shop and for him to go see what the ticket is for. Just as she thought that her plan of manipulation and deception of her husband had worked, it took a turn for the worse for Mrs. Bixpy. Her husband handed her a very cheap stole, not her very expensive mink coat. Mrs. Bixpy knew something was off when she passed by her husbands secretary. Isn ? t it s gorgeos day? Miss Pulteney said as she went by, flashing a smile. There was a lilt in her walk, a little whiff of perfume attending her, and she looked like a queen, just exactly like a queen in the beautiful black mink coat that the Colonel had given to Mrs Bixby(Dahl Vol. 1 63). Mrs. Bixpy began to put all the pieces together and she realized that her husband was cheating on her. This is a surprise to Mrs. Bixpy because she thought that she was the one that was being clever. She then realizes that she was getting just as manipulated as she was to her husband. Justice was served in that Mrs. Bixpy realized that she was getting cheated on just as she had cheated on her husband. Lionel Lampson in the story Nunc Dimittis seeks to serve justice through revenge. Gladys Ponsonby had told Lionel that his girlfriend, Janet de Pegalia, had called him a crashing boar. Lionel was very upset with this news. In order to get back at her, he gets John Royden to paint a picture of her. Because he paints in layers, Lionel is able to remove the paint in order to make her naked. Lionel said, It was truely an astonishing sight! This woman, Janet de Pelagia, almost life size, standing in her underwear ? in a sort of drawing? room, I supose it was ? with a great chandelier above her head and a red? pluch chair by her side; and she herself ? this was the most disturbing part of all ? looking so completely unconcerned. (Dahl Vol. 2 93) To get back at her, he nvites all of his friends and family over, including Janet. He hung up the picture of her naked for all to see it to get revenge at her and to do what he sees as justice. Janet de Pagalia decides to get revenge on Lionel and to do what she sees as justice. She mails him a jar of his favorite food, caviar. It is hinted at that she poisoned the caviar when Lionel said that he was not feeling well. The title o f the short story Nunc Dimittis is Latin. Translated, it means now you dismiss. Dahl intended to use this title as it is an allusion to a story in the Bible. It is a reference to the Canticle of Simeon in which God tells Simeon that he would not not die until he had seen the messiah. When Mary and Joseph bring him Jesus, Simeon said Lord, now you dismiss your servant; go in peace(International Student Bible for Catholics Luke 2:29-32 ) The reason why Dahl used this title Nunc Dimittis was to hint at that there was going to be death in the story. From the readers point of view, this creates suspense as you know there is going to be death but you just dont know who. A recurring Idea through out these short stories is that physical attraction is stronger than motional attraction. This idea is portrayed in The Visitor through Uncle Oswald. Uncle Oswald has never gotten married and is never with the same woman for too long. He has the ability to seduce woman through his physical features. This is shown because when Oswald was aroused, something odd would begin to happen around the edges of his nostril holes and revealed whole areas of the bright red skin inside. This created a queer, wild, animalistic impression, and although it may not sound particularly attractive when described on paper, its effect upon the ladies was electric. (Dahl Vol. 1 292) The idea that physical attraction is more powerful than emotional attraction is shown in the story Mrs. Bixpy and the Colonels Coat through both Mr. and Mrs. Bixpy. The emotional attraction between them both is weaker than the physical attraction between themselves and their lovers. Evidence of this is the mink coat that Mrs. Bixpy received from the Colonel. When Mrs. Bixpy tried to manipulate Mr. Bixpy into getting the coat for her in the pawnshop, He cared more about Miss Pulteney, his secretary, than he did his own wife. The idea that physical attraction is stronger than emotional attraction is portrayed in Ninc Dimittis when Janet de Pegalia told Gladys Ponsonby that Lionel Lampson was a crashing boar. By her saying this, she was expressing her dissatisfaction for the physical appearance of Lionel. When Gladys Ponsonby drunkenly told Lionel about what she had said, Lionel got extremely offended and started to plot against Janet. This means that he highly prioritized his physical attractiveness over his personality. The whole plot of the story is thus put into motion by physical attraction. The emotional attraction that they had together was easily extinguished by the pure physical attractive feelings.